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Artiste en résidence / Artist in residence: Amanda Gutiérrez

Performance en direct / Live performance
17.04.2021 @ 18h -


Statement by the artist:

Benjamin Patterson’s Paper Piece (1960) is a text-based score that offers instructions for a group of five performers to explore the acoustic possibilities intrinsic in a multitude of paper textures. Paper Piece marks the first radical deviation that Patterson made from his classical and contemporary music sensibilities which spurred a period of intense creative activity. Though the score provides precise instructions, the piece began to take on a life of its own at Fluxus concerts, with spontaneous audience participation turning the piece into a chaotic happening. Our realization of the piece will take a step in the opposite direction, exploring more sparse and subtle possibilities with a version for three performers. 


As part of the Paper Noise exhibition, the live performance aims to explore the materiality of the paper, as a vehicle of collaboration and open interpretation. The piece will reuse the paper materials in the preparation of street collages and paper cut-out animations produced in previous weeks at SBC Gallerie. For the artist, Amanda Gutiérrez, it was important to include the work of the only Black composer in the Fluxus movement, Ben Patterson, who composed collaborative cutting-edge happenings and under a political light in avant-garde music throughout his career as an artist and composer for more than four decades.”


The members of the jury for the selection of the artist in residence were Mirna Boyadjian (art historian) and Maria Ezcurra (artist)

Biographies (English/español)

Womxn Walk the Walk 

Womxn Walk the Walk is a collective of artists, community members and researchers who explore the intersectional experience of female identity in public space, through the acts of walking, gathering, storytelling and listening. Co-founded in the fall of 2019, the collective today consists of four core members: Amanda Gutierrez, Florencia Sosa Rey, Alejandra Jímenez, Joanna Guillaume and Veronica Mockler. Womxn Walk the Walk collaborates with female-identifying residents and visitors of Tiohtiake so-called 'Montreal', to map, post, listen, write, yell, trash, read, list, photograph, record, speak, disperse, learn, whisper, blog, draw, program, facilitate and perform intersections of womxnhood in the city.



Collages Féministes Montreal 

The Collages Montreal Feministes recognizes that is based in the unceded land of Tio’ta: kié. Our movement is resolutely intersectional and consists of members from all walks of life, with the exception of cisgender men. We have made it our mission to denounce, through street sticking, all the forms of discrimination that our patriarchal society inflicts on its citizens. Armed with only our brushes, we reclaimed the streets of Montreal using slogans chosen with collegiality. Without a leader or hierarchy, our values ​​stick to our skin and to the walls of our city.



AR Sound 


It is a mutant collective nucleated in the city of Buenos Aires. It emerged in 2016 as a space to promote the expression and registration of the movement of women, trans and non-binaries that began to be put on the agenda in Buenos Aires since the emergence of #niunamenos in 2015 and exploded in the mass media of communication on October 16, 2016 with the first national strike of women. His focus is on transfeminist sound manifestations. It has a collaborative sound bank that functions as a historical public archive of field records of social demonstrations in different parts of the world and of activities of expression and debate generated within the framework of #vivas. It also functions as a platform for the creation and dissemination (physical and virtual) of performances and sound works made from or around the bank. Activities, workshops, performances, installations and conferences have been carried out in spaces in Buenos Aires such as the CCK, the CCSM, the CCR and the CNB and the CA2M in Madrid. The participants of #vivas are countless and intermittent and form a network of nodes scattered throughout Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Spain, France and Germany, among other countries.


Viv Corringham is a British-born US-based singer who for the past 40 years has been cutting her own distinctive path as a singer and vocalist ranging across free improvisation, Greek Rembetika, Turkish folk and other styles of music, often combined with environmental field recordings made during solo walks. Her work includes concerts, soundwalks, radio works and multi-channel installations. She is interested in exploring the sense of place and how it links with personal history and memory. Her many awards include two McKnight Composer Fellowships through the American Composers Forum. She holds an MA in Sonic Art from Middlesex University, London. She also studied and performed with Pauline Oliveros and holds a Teaching Certificate for Deep Listening. She facilitates workshops in sounding and listening, most recently in Hong Kong, London, Bangalore, New York, Kolkata and Manila.



Paper Piece by Benjamin Patterson 


Stuart Jackson 

Stuart Jackson’s a percussionist and uilleann piper from Virginia, now based in Montreal, QC, Canada Before moving to Montreal to start his doctorate, he was living in New York City, where he was a traditional music instructor at the Irish Arts Center in Manhattan and taught percussion at the Kaufman Music Center. He has performed at venues such as Roulette, the King’s Theatre, Harvestworks, Pioneer Works, Wesleyan University, among others. He has also performed in film and theatre settings, working with the Soho Rep Theatre and the Wordless Music Orchestra. Stuart is currently a Tomlinson Fellow at McGill University, where he studies percussion with Fabrice Marandola. 


Aurelio Meza 

Aurelio Meza (Mexico City, 1985) is a writer and editor whose works are mainly published in Spanish and English. They are a co-founder of Kodama Cartonera in Tijuana, Mexico. They live in Montreal, shortly after having graduated from the PhD in Humanities at Concordia University. They remotely coordinate PoéticaSonora’s Digital Audio Repository for Sound Poetics in Mexico ( 


Alejandra Jiménez Cristina is an incoming student to the PhD Individualized program in Humanities at Concordia University. Board member of Teesri Duniya Theatre. Cristina is part of the research group Voice and word studies at the same university. With different initiatives of the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics of New York University (NYU), she took part in working groups and performances from 2013-2017. In Colombia, she was an actress, trainer and manager of the group Vendimia Teatro since 2008. This theatre group was founded in 1987 in Bogotá. It is a well-known theatre company in Latin America. As part of her professional development with this group, she participated in many productions as well as artistic and academic meetings for the last 11 years. At Concordia University, she was certified in research-creation methods in physical theatre and circus (2018). Cristina co-created the feminist collective “Vale la pena ser Callejeras” in 2019 in Bogotá. This group seeks unity and the acknowledgment of street artists researching feminist methods of creation, especially in theatre. Currently, she is part of the collective Womxn Walk learning, exploring and manifesting urban space and feminist practices in Montreal.


Womxn Walk the Walk 

Womxn Walk the Walk es un colectivo de artistas, miembros de la comunidad e investigadores que exploran la experiencia interseccional de la identidad femenina en el espacio público, a través de los actos de caminar, reunirse, contar historias y escuchar. Co-fundado en el otoño de 2019, el colectivo actualmente consta de cuatro miembros principales: Amanda Gutiérrez, Florencia Sosa Rey, Alejandra Jímenez, Joanna Guillaume y Veronica Mockler. Womxn Walk the Walk colabora con residentes y visitantes que identifican a mujeres en el llamado 'Montreal' de Tiohtiake, para mapear, publicar, escuchar, escribir, gritar, tirar basura, leer, enumerar, fotografiar, grabar, hablar, dispersar, aprender, susurrar, bloguear, dibujar, programar, facilitar y realizar intersecciones de mujeres en la ciudad.


Collages Féministes Montreal 

El movimiento de Collages Feministas de Montreal reconoce que se encuentra en la tierra incesante de Tio'ta: kié. Nuestro movimiento es decididamente interseccional y está formado por diversos miembros, con la excepción de los hombres cisgénero. Nuestra misión es la de denunciar, a través de la intervencíon de los muros todas las formas de discriminación que nuestra sociedad patriarcal inflige a sus ciudadanas. Armadas solo con pinceles, papel y engrudo, recuperamos las calles de Montreal usando lemas elegidos en colectividad. Sin líder ni jerarquía, nuestros valores se pegan a nuestra piel y a los muros de nuestra ciudad.


AR Sound 


Es un colectivo mutante nucleado en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Surge en el año 2016 como un espacio para fomentar la expresión y el registro del movimiento de mujeres, travas, trans y no binaries que empezaba a ponerse en agenda en Buenos Aires desde el surgimiento de #niunamenos en el 2015 y explotaba en los medios masivos de comunicación el 16 de octubre de 2016 con el primer paro nacional de mujeres. Su enfoque está en las manifestaciones sonoras transfeministas. Cuenta con un banco de sonidos colaborativo que funciona como archivo público histórico de registros de campo de manifestaciones sociales en diversas partes del mundo y de actividades de expresión y debate generadas en el marco de #vivas. También, funciona como plataforma de creación y difusión (física y virtual) de performances y obras sonoras realizadas a partir de o en torno al banco. Se han realizado actividades, talleres, performances, instalaciones y conferencias en espacios de Buenos Aires como el CCK, el CCSM, el CCR y la CNB y el CA2M de Madrid. Les participantes de #vivas son incontables e intermitentes y forman una red de nodos diseminados por Argentina, Brasil, Perú, Chile, México, España, Francia y Alemania, entre otros países.


Viv Corringham 

Es una cantante y artista sonora nacida en Gran Bretaña que durante los últimos 40 años ha creado un extenso trabajo como cantante y vocalista que abarca desde improvisación libre, Rembetika griega, folk turco y otros estilos de música, a menudo combinados con grabaciones ambientales de campo realizadas durante caminatas en solitario. Su trabajo incluye conciertos, sondeos, obras de radio e instalaciones multicanal. Está interesada en explorar el sentido del lugar y cómo se vincula con la historia personal y la memoria. Sus numerosos premios incluyen dos becas McKnight Composer Fellowship a través del American Composers Forum. Tiene una maestría en arte sónico de la Universidad de Middlesex, Londres. También estudió y actuó con Pauline Oliveros y posee un Certificado de enseñanza para la escucha profunda. Ella facilita talleres de sonido y escucha, más recientemente en Hong Kong, Londres, Bangalore, Nueva York, Kolkata y Manila.


Paper Piece by Benjamin Patterson 


Stuart Jackson 

Stuart Jackson es un percusionista y gaitero de Virginia, que ahora vive en Montreal, QC, Canadá. Antes de mudarse a Montreal para comenzar su doctorado, vivía en la ciudad de Nueva York, donde era instructor de música tradicional en el Irish Arts Centre de Manhattan y enseñó percusión en el Kaufman Music Center. Ha actuado en escenarios como Roulette, King's Theatre, Harvestworks, Pioneer Works, Wesleyan University, entre otros. También ha actuado en escenarios de cine y teatro, trabajando con el Soho Rep Theatre y la Wordless Music Orchestra. Stuart es actualmente Tomlinson Fellow en la Universidad McGill, donde estudia percusión con Fabrice Marandola.


Aurelio Meza 

Aurelio Meza (Ciudad de México, 1985) escribe y edita principalmente en español e inglés. Co-fundador de Kodama Cartonera en Tijuana. Vive en Montreal después de habers graduado recientemente en el doctorado en humanidades de la universidad Concordia. Coordinador a la distancia del repositorio digital en audio de Poéticasonora (


Alejandra Jiménez Cristina es estudiante del programa de doctorado individualizado en Humanidades de la Universidad de Concordia. Es miembro de la junta directiva del Teatro Teesri Duniya. Desde su práctica artística indaga en las relaciones que la subjetividad y el cuerpo construyen en la calle. Tiene una trayectoria como artista y académica con una licenciatura en artes escénicas y un máster en teatro y artes vivas. Trabajó como profesora asistente en el programa de Artes Escénicas de la Facultad de Artes ASAB- Universidad Distrital (Bogotá). Cristina hace parte del grupo de investigación Estudios de la voz y la palabra en la misma universidad. Con diferentes iniciativas del Instituto Hemisférico de Performance y Política de la Universidad de Nueva York (NYU), participó en grupos de trabajo y performances desde 2013-2017. En la Universidad de Concordia, se certificó en métodos de investigación-creación en teatro físico y circo (2018). Cristina co-creó la colectiva feminista Vale la pena ser Callejeras en 2019 en Bogotá. Este grupo busca la unión y el reconocimiento de artistas callejeras que investigan en métodos de creación feministas, especialmente en teatro.  Actualmente forma parte del colectivo Womxn Walk aprendiendo, explorando y manifestando sobre el espacio urbano y las prácticas feministas en Montreal.

372 Ste-Catherine Street West, space 507

Tiohtià: ke / Mooniyaang / Montreal (QC)

H3B 1A2 Canada

T: 514.861.9992 / Fax: 514.861.8777


Place-des-Arts metro station (Bleury exit)


© SBC contemporary art gallery 2023

Opening hours:

Sunday and Monday: closed

Tuesday to Saturday: 12:00 - 5:30 pm

Free entrance

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