Pre-launch of the book Cohabiter. Imaginer les médiations culturelles au XXIe siècle with the Observatory of Cultural Mediation (OMEC)
December 12, 2024 - 5pm to 8pm
Free, no reservation required
Event in French
As part of the public program Writing With The Body, which explores the role of alternative pedagogies in the gallery space, the SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art is pleased to join forces with OMEC to invite you to the pre-launch of the book Cohabiter. Imaginer les médiations culturelles au XXIe siècle.
This event will include presentations by the authors on the various themes of the book and their connection to contemporary issues in cultural mediation, while also highlighting a comic book project illustrated by Xavier Cadieux.
To conclude the evening, a convivial moment awaits with a wine and cheese celebration, offering an opportunity to continue discussions in a warm and festive atmosphere.
This event is part of the program Writing With the Body
Initiated and organized by Marcela Borquez, Renata Cervetto and Carla Rangel, Writing With the Body is a one-month public program running at the SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art from November 19 to December 14, 2024. Conceived as a collective learning space, the program will include the intensive workshop, as well as round tables, screenings, activations, and activities open to everyone. Contributions by artists Verena Melgarejo, Amanda Gutiérrez, Florencia Sosa Rey, Colectiva Polea and Helena Martin Francos, will foster a deeper exploration of Anzaldúa’s work and legacy. The public program has been put together in partnership with Artenso (Research and Innovation Centre for Art and Social Engagement), LabARD (Arts Research Laboratory in Decoloniality of UQAM), centre Turbine, OMEC-INRS (Observatory of Cultural Mediations) and DARE-DARE.

Nuria Carton de Grammont is an art historian, curator, and lecturer at Concordia University, specializing in contemporary Latin American and Latin Canadian art. She has published several articles in specialized journals and co-edited the book Politics, Culture and Economy in Popular Practices in the Americas (Peter Lang, 2016). She is a member of the Decolonial Art and Research Lab at Université du Québec à Montréal and the Observatory of Cultural Mediation. She is the director and curator of the SBC Contemporary Art Gallery in Montreal.
Ève Lamoureux is a professor in the Department of Art History at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Her research focuses on engaged art, community arts, and cultural mediation. She is a member of the Research Center on Cultures, Arts, and Societies (CELAT) and the Observatory of Cultural Mediation (OMEC). Recently, she co-edited the following books: Médiation culturelle, musées, publics diversifiés. Guide pour une expérience inclusive (2021); Arts. Entre libertés et scandales. Études de cas (2020); InterReconnaissance. La mémoire des droits dans le milieu communautaire au Québec (2018); Le vivre-ensemble à l’épreuve des pratiques culturelles et artistiques contemporaines (2018); and Expériences critiques de la médiation culturelle (Presses de l’Université Laval, 2017).
Louis Jacob is a professor in the Sociology Department at Université du Québec à Montréal, where he teaches major approaches and fundamental concepts of the discipline. He is a member of the Observatory of Cultural Mediation (OMEC) and the Art and Society Lab (l/as/tt). His research activities focus on artistic and cultural practices, the epistemology of human sciences, and reasoning. He recently published an essay: Commentaire sur la mort de Groethuysen à Luxembourg (Liber, 2023) and co-directed with Christine Schaut Des projets collaboratifs pour renouveler la citoyenneté culturelle ? Lien social et politiques (91, 2023).
Gabriela Molina is a researcher at Artenso and holds a PhD in Political Science from Université Grenoble Alpes. Specialized in the study of cultural policies, she is also dedicated to the mobilization and transfer of knowledge in this field. She has worked on several research projects adopting an international comparative perspective, while participating in the development of municipal cultural policies in Quebec, notably with Culture-Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and Artenso. Additionally, she was a researcher and lead writer for the Guide d’élaboration d’une politique culturelle municipale and serves as secretary to the Permanent Commission on Cultural Citizenship at Culture Montréal.
Irina Kirchberg, a musicologist and sociologist, is the general director of the Center for Innovation and Research in Art and Social Engagement (Artenso). She conducted the first Panorama of Music Mediation Practices in Quebec (2020), directed an issue of the Revue musicale de l’OICRM (2020), and an issue of Intersections (2024) dedicated to music mediation, and co-organized the International Meetings on Music Mediation in 2022. Co-director of the Partnership Study on Music Mediation (EPMM/OICRM), she is associated with OMEC and a visiting professor at the Université de Montréal.
Christian Poirier is a professor at the National Institute of Scientific Research – Urbanization Culture Society. A member of the Observatory of Cultural Mediation, which he co-directs, he holds the Fernand-Dumont Chair on Culture and is the director of the collection Monde culturel at Presses de l’Université Laval. His research focuses on cultural participation and citizenship, cultural mediations, and public action in culture.
Nathalie Casemajor is a professor at the Urbanization Culture Society Center of the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS, Montreal). She is interested in the intersections of culture, technology, and territories. Her recent work focuses on platforms for globalized knowledge, digital commons, data cultures, technological scenes, and blockchain. From 2017 to 2023, she was the co-director of the Observatory of Cultural Mediation (OMEC). In this capacity, she co-edited the book Expériences critiques de la médiation culturelle (PUL, 2017). She is also a recipient of the Louise-Dandurand Award, presented by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC).
Xavier Cadieux is a Montreal-based comic artist known for his soft lines and absurd humor. The most seasoned collectors remember him for the cult album Les 500 premiers Cadieux, released in 2015, but the general public mainly recognizes him as the artist behind La pitoune et la poutine, with a script by Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau, released in 2019. In 2023, he adapts the podcast Les pires moments de l'histoire into comic form, based on texts by Charles Beauchesne. Finally, in the magazine Curium, he illustrates the youth series Les autres, written by Iris Boudreau.
William Beauchemin is the general coordinator, researcher, and mediator at Exeko. Trained in philosophy and sociology, he is interested in the dynamics and practices of social transformation, as well as social, intellectual, and cultural history, and democratic and interdisciplinary approaches to research. He is a co-researcher member of the Observatory of Cultural Mediations (OMEC).