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Yael Bartana, film And Europe will be stunned projection, commissaire Kim Simon

And Europe Will Be Stunned

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 at 5:30 p.m.


followed by a discussion led by:
Kim Simon
(Curator, Gallery TPW, Toronto)

And Europe Will Be Stunned, Israeli artist Yael Bartana's powerful and challenging trilogy of films made in Poland between 2007 and 2011.

And Europe Will Be Stunned revolves around the activ­i­ties of the Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland (JRMiP), a polit­i­cal group that calls for the return of 3,300,000 Jews to the land of their fore­fa­thers. The films tra­verse a land­scape scarred by the his­to­ries of com­pet­ing nation­alisms and mil­i­tarisms, over­flow­ing with the nar­ra­tives of the Israeli set­tle­ment move­ment, Zionist dreams, anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and the Palestinian right of return. Apart from real­iz­ing the film tril­ogy, a new polit­i­cal move­ment has been estab­lished by the artist.

Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Fault Lines
Limited Seating | Free admission
Polish with English subtitles

372 Ste-Catherine Street West, space 507

Tiohtià: ke / Mooniyaang / Montreal (QC)

H3B 1A2 Canada

T: 514.861.9992 / Fax: 514.861.8777


Place-des-Arts metro station (Bleury exit)


© SBC contemporary art gallery 2023

Opening hours:

Sunday and Monday: closed

Tuesday to Saturday: 12:00 - 5:30 pm

Free entrance

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