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Conversation, Emanuel Licha et Stephen Horne, Pourquoi photogénique? 2010 SBC Galerie

Mirages, image from video, 2010

Conversation between Emanuel Licha and Stephen Horne

Why Photogenic?



Saturday, May 1, 2010

CONVERSATION between Emanuel Licha and Stephen Horne, from 2:30 to 3 p.m. In English.
Followed by the opening at 3 p.m.

372 Ste-Catherine Street West, space 507

Tiohtià: ke / Mooniyaang / Montreal (QC)

H3B 1A2 Canada

T: 514.861.9992 / Fax: 514.861.8777


Place-des-Arts metro station (Bleury exit)


© SBC contemporary art gallery 2023

Opening hours:

Sunday and Monday: closed

Tuesday to Saturday: 12:00 - 5:30 pm

Free entrance

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