3 Sreenings
Muntadas at the Cinématèque
Wednesday April 8 at 7 pm :
This program brings together some of Muntadas' early videos: Actions (1971) and Tactile Recognition of the Body (1971) explore sensory experiences; Snowflake (1976) tells the story of an albino gorilla who lived at the Barcelona zoo and questions its power of attraction; Liège 12/9/77 (1977) reflects the particularity of the Belgian audiovisual landscape of the mid-1970s which echoes the political and linguistic environment of the country.
Thursday April 9 at 7 p.m.
Video, media critic
Between the Lines (1979) reveals the preparation of a TV shoot and the work of journalists, Media Ecology Ads (1982) is interested in the particular meaning of time in the media; Video Is Television? (1989) questions the shift in video art from an anti-TV point of view to a pro-TV approach; Cross-Cultural Television (1987), using images from news broadcasts from different countries, confronts us with a variety of sources contrasting with the usual television homogeneity; TVE: Primer Intento (1989) questions the history and content of the Spanish public channel.
Friday April 10 at 7 p.m. in the presence of the artist
The Construction of Fear
These two recent works focus on the fear discourse that dominates the media: On Translation: Fear / Miedo (2005) includes a series of interviews conducted on the border between Mexico and the United States on the generic concept of fear others, strangers. Shot in the Gibraltar region, On Translation: Miedo / Jauf (2005-2008) presents the phenomenon of the border, from the angle of fear.