Sarah Pierce and Gerard Byrne In conversation
The Short Form
in English
May 23, 2015 3pm
This Saturday at 3pm, Dublin-based artists Sarah Pierce and Gerard Byrne will discuss the exhibition The Short Form.
''The Lux archive, like any archive, applies a range of shared attributes - in this case titles, descriptions, mediums, dates, and duration - to sort the mass of artists’ moving image works which have been accumulated according to varying and not wholly consistent criteria over the past 13 years. When invited to select a programme of films and videos from this body of material, we opted to shadow the methodologies of the archive, using its quantifiers as a principle means of differentiating and adjudging amongst the available material. If the modus of the curatorial usually demands actions of essentialising and conjoining artworks in the service of a thesis, often rationalised ‘thematically’, our approach has been to think of the works as singular, detached, and irreconcilable.''
Sarah Pierce and Gerard Byrne
Dublin 2015
The conversation will be hosted by Pip Day in the gallery space. Pierce and Byrne will be present via Skype.
This exhibition is presented as part of SBC’s Focus Program ÁGUA VIVA.
SBC wishes to thank VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine.
Still from John Smith, Dad's Stick, 2012, HD video, 5 minutes, colour, 16:9, Stereo
Courtesy of John Smith and LUX, London