Nuit Blanche 2022

Embroidery and mask painting workshop with Christine Brault
In presence at the SBC Gallery and online
Date: February 26, 2022, 6:30 - 7:30 - 8:30 pm EST
Please register by sending an email to:
For the 19th edition of Nuit Blanche, SBC contemporary art gallery proposes #NoNosVamosaCallar, an evening of mask production hosted by artist Christine Brault. The event is presented as part of the exhibition "Chronicles: Resonances", a project in collaboration with the Ex-Teresa Arte Actual Museum, Mexico, which offers a reflection on the recent past in a broad geographical context - radiating from Mexico, but also to the south and north of the continent - through exercises of imagination, gestures of resistance and processes of memory.
The workshop takes up the artist's experiment entitled #NoNosVamosaCallar, a series of weekly virtual encounters between a group of women from diverse backgrounds, from Montreal and several cities in Mexico, who meet to converse, listen to each other, share experiences, write and embroider. The normalization of gender violence, the other contagion at the time of COVID-19, was the basis of their desire to meet. Together, they explored the questions of how to make the issue of feminicide and violence more visible since the beginning of the pandemic and how to act in "public" and relate to others. The mandatory wearing of face coverings or masks has prompted them to use the masks themselves as a means of communication, in order to make their messages visible and "audible" and to move them from the intimate to the public space. Through embroidery and painting on masks, Christine Brault invites the workshop participants to express themselves, to make themselves heard.
The exhibition "Chroniques: résonances" remains open with free admission throughout the evening, until midnight.
Follow the link to discover the rest of the Nuit Blanche program.