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LabARD, Imagining decolonialism at the university II: rethinking institutional resistance, 2020, documentation of the participatory workshop

LabARD, Under The Baobab Tree

Thursday November 23

From 9h30 à 12h30

**Notre: this is a private session for LabARD members. 


The LabARD meets under the baobab, inspired by a Cameroonian tradition shared by LabARD member Carole Djamen Nganson, where gathering under this majestic tree means above all listening. It is in this spirit that, on November 23 at the SBC Gallery, LabARD will organize a half-day of study. Each member will have five minutes to introduce themselves and their work, then we will dive into the questions raised by Carla Rangel in a participatory way: What does it mean to work collectively? What does decolonizing mean? What are the potential of listening? Why do you choose sound as a medium? In addition, we will take a moment to commemorate Enrique Dussel, recently deceased, whose decolonial work was crucial to highlight the coloniality of knowledge. These discussions will generate thoughts and ideas in anticipation of our next step in the 2024 winter session, a balance-sheet residency at the SCAN (Studio de Création en Arts Numériques) of the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. These exchanges will be an opportunity to record and archive our thoughts, thus contributing to our understanding of how to work with decoloniality.

The Arts Research Laboratory in Decoloniality (LabARD) at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) is a multidisciplinary group that applies decolonial approaches to art, science, culture and education.

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