Curatorial and Critical Writing Workshops
Between October 2013 and March 2014, SBC will be offering its first six-month programs of curatorial workshops and critical writing workshops.
Curatorial Workshop
Fall-Winter 2013/14
Making Things Public
With four meetings per month, the program is designed to offer 10 participants the opportunity to meet over a sustained period of time with a group of peers in order to discuss and develop individual projects; to explore theoretical and practical questions as they relate to curatorial work; and to visit and critically reflect upon exhibitions and other cultural events as they occur in the city.
Participants will be expected to attend all sessions and should be prepared to formally present their own projects and analyse colleagues' projects. All participants should provide, in advance, any relevant theoretical or other texts they see as important to further discussion and should read all materials provided by others.
The workshop will be led by SBC Director/Curator Pip Day.
_Duration: 6 months, starting in October 2013 and ending in March 2014
_Each month: 2 meetings (on Mondays) and 2 exhibition visits
_Meetings and visits will take place in the evening / late afternoon
_Bilingual (French and English)
The first two sessions are scheduled to take place on Mondays, October 7 and October 14, 2013 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
To apply
_Please send a project description (no longer than 2 pages) and a letter describing your interest in participating in the workshop by September 20 to: annemarie.stjeanaubre@sbcgallery.ca
_Candidates will be advised of their inclusion in the workshop no later than September 25th.
Critical Writing Workshop
Autumn-Winter 2013/14
The program is designed to offer 8 participants the opportunity to meet over a sustained period of time with a group of peers in order develop their critical writing skills in the field of visual art criticism.
The workshop will be led by SBC Director/Curator Pip Day and by Assistant Curator Anne-Marie St Jean Aubre.
_Duration: 6 months, starting in October 2013 and ending in March 2014
_Each month: 2 meetings (on Tuesdays)
_Meetings will take place in the evening
_Writing in the language of your choice (French, English)
The first two sessions will take place at SBC on Tuesdays October 8 and October 15, 2013 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
To apply
_Please send a short writing sample (under 500 words), a longer writing sample (between 500-1500 words) and a letter describing your interest in participating in the workshop by September 13 (extended to September 15) to : annemarie.stjeanaubre@sbcgallery.ca
_Candidates will be advised of their inclusion in the workshop no later than September 25th.