I, Of Whom I Know Nothing , Director: Pablo Sigg, 80 mins, color, 2013.
I, Of Whom I Know Nothing , Director: Pablo Sigg, 80 mins, color, 2013.
Pablo Sigg (Mexico City, 1974) has dedicated the larger part of his approach to cinema to a long, slow and often unproductive research process. The project for his first feature film, Der Wille zur Macht (International Film Festival Rotterdam, Ottaway Film Center, Cinémathèque Québécoise, New Museum of Contemporary Art NY, Lima Independiente Festival de Cine, University of the Arts London, Cinema Zuid Antwerp) –about the last survivors of Elisabeth Nietzsche's Aryan colony in Paraguay– began in 2009 and was only completed in early 2013.
In 2014 he finished and premiered his second feature film, I, of whom I know nothing (Mention Spéciale de la Compétition Internationale, FID Marseille 2014), filmed during 2012 and 2013 in the Montreuil office and basement that 86-year-old John Calder–Samuel Beckett's London publisher, close friend and collaborator– uses as a home today.